Monitoring and Evaluation Planning
‘Guidelines and Tools’
followed by
‘Scott G. Chap Lowe (American Red Cross)’
Since 2005, People’s Participation (PP) has held the privilege of serving the poor and disadvantagedin India, especially in West Bengal. Without regard to race, creed, ornationality, PP in engaged with different vulnerable poorcommunities as a catalyst as well as a s a facilitator to provides supports.Through development projects in fields such as education, peace and justice, humanrights, sports, children, environment, livelihood, TB- HIV/AIDS and others more,PP works to uphold human dignity and promote better standardsof living. PP also works throughout India to expand the knowledge and action ofpeoples’ and others interested in issues of international peace and justice. People’sParticipation helps vulnerablepeople around India, West Bengal. To achieve our goals, People’s Participation works with our communitypartners to build local capacities, mobilize and empower communities, andestablish partnerships.
Preface: Monitoringand evaluation (M&E) are core responsibilities of People’s Participationprogram managers and help ensure quality in our programming. Monitoring andEvaluation Planning is one in a series of M&E training andcapacity-building modules that People’s Participation have agreed tocollaborate on under their respective Institutional Capacity Building Grants.These modules are designed to respond to field-identified needs for specificguidance and tools that did not appear to be available in existingpublications. Although examples in the modules focus on Title II programming,the guidance and tools provided have value beyond the food-security realm.
Acknowledgments: The authorwould like to acknowledge the considerable contribution and guidance of CynthiaGreen, formerly with the American Red Cross, in her patient review and editingof this module, as well as the work of Dina Towbin (consultant), in shepherdingthe module through the final stages, and Joe Schultz (CRS) and Jeanne Ivy(consultant), who were responsible for the graphic design work.