People’s Participation will commit to follow up the project from themoment work has commenced and will send monthly reports to donor agency upuntil its termination. In addition, the project will establish a projectmonitoring plan based on the project log frame for internal monitoring andevaluation purpose. The monthly activity plans will be developed from theproject monitoring plan. People’s Participation will develop appropriatereporting formats for collection of project information on a monthly basis.Monthly project review meetings will be organized to review the progress andthese meetings will be facilitated by the Project Manager. Proceedings of eachmonthly review will be recorded and kept for future reference. The Secretarywill undertake period monitoring visits to the project area to interact withproject beneficiaries, project staff and other stakeholders on the progress.
Midterm and Impact evaluation is planned by external resource person.The evaluation will assess the impact of the project within the projectframework. It will also identify the gaps and provide recommendations to beconsidered for similar future projects. In case, donor agency commits toundertake the external evaluation of the project, then the project willreconsider the budget for the evaluation activity. However, People’sParticipation will appreciate communication in this regard.